What to Expect from a Dental Cleaning
Off the top of your head, can you remember the last time you went to your dentist for a cleaning? Professional dental cleaning is extremely important and going just twice a year can vastly improve your oral health.
These professional dental cleanings reinforce the at-home oral health regimen of brushing and flossing and gives your dentist an opportunity to locate problem areas that may need special attention.
People who regularly practise good oral hygiene at home with proper brushing and flossing techniques typically do not experience discomfort during a cleaning. However, those who have neglected their oral hygiene habits may experience some discomfort or sensitivity during a dental cleaning. The dentist can use a topical anaesthetic before the cleaning to alleviate any discomfort.
Diagnostic services may include:
- Reviewing and updating medical history, including information about heart problems, pregnancy, diabetes and medications, which may have an impact on your oral health
- Oral cancer examination and screening
- Evaluation of gum tissue
- Checking for biting, chewing and swallowing issues
- X-rays or examination of teeth to detect decay
- Referral to specialists for specific treatment
Many patients also include preventive services such as:
- Removal of plaque and tartar
- Stain removal
- Fluoride application
- Sealants (for children)
- Polishing teeth, including fillings and crowns
- Cleaning and adjustment of dentures and partial dentures
If you feel like you’re due for a checkup soon, give us a call at +60 111 111 0660 and we’ll take care of your teeth!