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When there’s too much damage for the tooth to be repaired, the tooth may need to be extracted — or removed — from its socket in the bone.


Here are some other common reasons for tooth removal:

  • Some people have extra teeth that block other teeth from coming in.
  • People getting braces may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that are being moved into place.
  • Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are often extracted either before or after they erupt in the mouth. They commonly come in during the late teens or early 20’s. They need to be removed if they are decayed, infected, or if there is not enough room in the mouth.



Simple Extraction

This is performed on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth. Generally, the dentist loosens the tooth with an instrument called an elevator. Then the dentist uses an instrument called forceps to remove the tooth.


Surgical Extraction (Wisdom Teeth Extraction)

This is a more complex procedure, which is used if a tooth may have broken off at the gum line or has not erupted in the mouth. The doctor makes a small incision (cut) into your gum to surgically remove the broken tooth or impacted wisdom tooth. It may be necessary to remove some of the bone around the tooth or to cut the tooth in half in order to extract it. tooth in half in order to extract it.



Wisdom teeth are the last molars on each side of your jaw. They are usually the last teeth to emerge compared to all your other teeth. Since appear the last there is often not enough room left in your mouth to accommodate them. This can lead to wisdom teeth that are impacted, teeth that are trapped beneath the gum tissue by other teeth or bone. If teeth get impacted, swelling and tenderness often happen.


Wisdom teeth that only partially emerge or come in crooked can also lead to painful crowding, infection and disease. This should prompt you to get them checked out by your dentist to see if a removal is needed to remove the pain and also relieve the crowding that is happening in your mouth.



A tooth extraction is a relatively routine procedure. Your dentist will usually recommend local anesthesia, or numbing the area in your mouth with a local anesthetic. After the tooth (or teeth) is removed, you may be asked to bite down softly on a piece of gauze for 30 to 45 minutes after you leave the office, to limit any bleeding that may occur.